Alexander Korzenev
(Universite de Geneve, Section de physique, DPNC)
An overview of the recent NA61/SHINE results on determination of
charged kaon and pion yields in proton-carbon reactions is presented.
The results aim to improve predictions of the neutrino flux
in the T2K experiment. The data were recorded during the first
physics run of NA61 in 2007 where a proton beam of 31 GeV/c
momentum scattered off a graphite target. Thin target,
4% of a nuclear interaction length, was used to determine
interaction cross section. Inclusive production cross sections for
negatively and positively charged pions and kaons are presented as
a function of laboratory momentum and polar angle. The spectra are
compared to predictions of hadron production models. In addition
preliminary results obtained with a long graphite target
(the so called T2K replica target) are presented. The precision
required by T2K is discussed.
Auteur principal
Alexander Korzenev
(Universite de Geneve, Section de physique, DPNC)