Dmitri Melikhov
(HEPHY, Vienna, Austria & SINP, Moscow, Russia)
We study the pion elastic and the pi-gamma transition form factors at large values of the momentum transfers making use of the existing experimental data and two theoretical approaches: (i) the local-duality QCD sum rules and (ii) quantum-mechanical potential models with an interaction consisting of Coulomb and confining parts in which case the ground-state form factors satisfy factorization theorems similar to those in QCD.
For the pion elastic form factor, we show that the existing data at Q²=1-6 GeV² lead to important consequences for the behaviour of the form factor at larger momentum transfers, up to asymptotically large values. For the pi-gamma from factor, we discuss possible dynamical mechanisms which could explain mysterious BaBar data for this form factor at Q²=10-30 GeV².
Dmitri Melikhov
(HEPHY, Vienna, Austria & SINP, Moscow, Russia)
Irina Balakireva
(SINP, Moscow, Russia)
Wolfgang Lucha
(HEPHY, Vienna, Austria)