Jeremy Dalseno
(MPI, Munich)
We present a time-dependent measurement of CP violation parameters
in $B^0 \to \pi^+\pi^-$ decays.
We present also a measurement of the branching fraction of
$B^0 \to \rho^0 \rho^0$ decays,
which could provide a tighter constraint of the CKM angle $\phi_2$.
In addition we present measurements of branching ratios of other
charmless $B$ decays into 4 charged pions.
We present a measurement of the branching fraction and
time-dependent CP violation parameters of $B^0 \to a_1^{\pm}\pi^{\mp}$
The measurement of $B\to\pi^0\pi^0$ is vital in the extraction of the
UT angle $\phi_2$, from
an isospin analysis of the $B\to\pi\pi$ system. In addition, this
process is expected to exhibit direct CP violation, a measurement of
would place additional constraints on $\phi_{2}$, and a new measurement
$B\rightarrow\pi^0\pi^0$ would help resolve the significant disagreement
in the Belle and BaBar measurements of this mode.
The decay $B^- \to D^{(*)} K^-$ ($D = D^0$ or $\bar{D}^0$) includes
the $b \to u$ transition and plays a crucial role in the measurement
of the CP-violating angle $\phi_3$. We present the results of a study
of the decay $B \to D^{(*)} K^-$ where the $D$ meson is reconstructed
from $K^+ \pi^-$ and from $CP$ modes.
We report the first measurement of the angle $\phi_{3}$ of the
unitarity triangle using a binned model-independent Dalitz plot
analysis technique of $B^{\pm} \rightarrow DK^{\pm}$,
$D \rightarrow K^{0}_{S}\pi^{+}\pi^{║щ}$ decay chain.
These results are obtained from the final data sample that
contains 772 million $B\overline{B}$ pairs collected at the
$\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB
asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider.
Jeremy Dalseno
(MPI, Munich)