The French Geant4 2008 tutorial will provide to novice users the necessary skills to develop fully their own Geant4 application. The format will mainly consist of hands-on courses with several additional specific lectures.
Participants are requested to bring their own laptop with a running version of Geant4 9.1 + patch 02. For this, they can do either of the following :
Participants are requested to bring their own laptop with a running version of Geant4 9.1 + patch 02. For this, they can do either of the following :
- Recommended : install the VMware Player (for Windows laptops) or VMware Fusion (for Mac laptops) on their machine and download the full installation of Geant4 and associated tools freely from the following web site :
Note for Mac users : the VMware fusion software is available one month free for testing.
- Install Geant4 on your own (not recommended for novice users) : you may consult the following installation link for help. Also, a list of recommended software and tools that will be used during this tutorial is available here.
Participants will be assumed to have a basic knowledge of C++ programming. There won't be any C++ teaching during this tutorial.
The teaching room will be equipped with classical ethernet network (no WiFi access). There is no need to bring ethernet cables.