26 juin 2011 à 1 juillet 2011
Montpellier, France
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The Long-Term Azimuthal Structure of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Distribution due to Anisotropic Diffusion

30 juin 2011, 11:20
Main amphitheater (Polytech)

Main amphitheater



M. Frederic Effenberg (Ruhr University Bochum)


In the description of Cosmic Ray transport following the well-known Parker Transport Equation, the spatial diffusion of energetic particles, in general, has to be treated by employing a tensorial quantity for the diffusion, i.e. using different diffusion strengths along and perpendicular to the magnetic field, respectively. This leads to results for the distribution function of these particles which differ from those obtained with just a scalar diffusion coefficient. Since the sources of Cosmic Rays are mainly supernova remnants distributed along the spiral arms of the Galaxy, our Solar System experiences different levels of Cosmic Ray intensities along its way around the galactic center. The actual azimuthal structure of the distribution then depends critically on the diffusion model and the employed magnetic field model and may be of interest in the context of (very) long-term climatology.

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