Oct 7 – 8, 2010
Europe/Paris timezone
''Then your lines of force can weave a web across the sky and lead the stars in their courses'' J.C. Maxwell to Faraday
Astroparticle physics stands on the threshold of a new era of discovery. It attempts to determine: - the role of high energy phenomena to the formation of the large cosmic structures using new cosmic messengers: high energy photons, cosmic rays, neutrinos and gravitational waves. - the stuff of the Universe and in particular the nature of dark matter and energy using large sky surveys and underground dark matter search experiments. - the form of matter and interactions at the shortest scales, using rare decays to study the properties of the neutrino and the proton lifetime in underground laboratories. Astroparticle Physics has grown in a few years from a field of a few charismatic pioneers transgressing interdisciplinary frontiers to a global science activity projecting very large infrastructures involving hundreds of researchers each. In particular the large infrastructures proposed in the ASPERA Roadmap (www.aspera-eu.org) will face challenging problems of data collection, data storage and data mining. In some of these the cost of computing will be a significant fraction of the cost of the infrastructure and the issues of model of computation, data mining complexity and public access will be extremely challenging. In the Lyon workshop these issues will be addressed and will be confronted with data storage and analysis models developed in the neighbouring fields: particle physics (grid and cloud computing, large databases) and astrophysics (virtual observatories, public access). Some more specific astroparticle physics issues although not yet extremely data intensive will also be addressed (intelligent distributed data gathering and heterogeneous data fusion). The computing models developed up to now for some of the forthcoming astroparticle observatories (CTA, KM3net, Auger, VIRGO/LIGO, LSST) will be reviewed. The availability of environmental data collected by these observatories to geosciences and the education network (outreach) will be addressed. Finally, the links with the existing centres of particle physics and astrophysics will be also discussed.

Organisation Committee :
- Delphine BENKLIFA              CC-IN2P3
- Dominique BOUTIGNY         CC-IN2P3
- Sylvie JACQUOT                  CC-IN2P3
- Stavros KATSANEVAS          IN2P3
- Giovanni LAMANNA             LAPP Annecy - IN2P3
- Rachid LEMRANI                 CC-IN2P3
- Arnaud MARSOLLIER          IN2P3
- Tiffany THOME                    CC-IN2P3

Centre de Calcul IN2P3/CNRS Domaine scientifique de La Doua 43 bd du 11 Nov.1918 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex