Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.
8–21 juin 2025
Fuseau horaire Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh

Advanced Summer School in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity, June 8-21, 2025, Quy Nhon, Vietnam



This Summer School is aimed at advanced doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows. It is the 2025 edition in a biennial series of Advanced Summer Schools in High Energy Theoretical Physics, which  were traditionally held either in Cargèse or Les Houches.

This session will take place at ICISE, the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education in Quy Nhon, Vietnam. The center is surrounded by a lush garden and just a few steps away from a beautiful beach.

The School will include introductory and advanced lectures on the following topics: Quantum gravity, string theory, black holes, amplitudes, holography, cosmology, quantum information theory, theoretical condensed matter and artificial intelligence. The schedule will leave ample room for discussions. This School is part of the network of CERN Summer Schools of Excellence and is supported by CERN, ICISE and other funds.

Preliminary list of lecturers:

Nathan Berkovits (ICTP, Sao-Paulo, Brazil), Yifan Chen (NBI, Danemark), Paul Henrik Damgaard (NBI, Danemark), Akshunna Shaurya Dogra (MIT, USA), Daniel Kapec (Harvard, USA), Luca Iliesiu* (UC Berkley, USA), Sung Hak Lim (IBS, Korea), Juan Maldacena** (IAS, Princeton, USA), Shiraz Minwalla (TIFR, India), Suvrat Raju (ICTS, India), Dam Son (University of Chicago, USA), Wei Song* (Tsinghua U., China), Andrew Strominger** (Harvard, USA), Pierre Vanhove (IPhT, CEA_Saclay, France), Erik Verlinde (Amsterdam U., Netherlands).

*: to be confirmed, **: remote interactive lecture

Organizing Committee:

L. Baulieu (LPTHE, Sorbonne Université, France (Chair)), K. Benakli (LPTHE, Sorbonne Université, France (chair)), E. Rabinovici (Racah Institute, Jerusalem, Israel (chair)), C. Bachas (ENS, Paris, France),   V. Godet (LPTHE, Sorbonne Université, France), M. Douglas (Harvard & Stony Brook Universities & Simons Center, USA), L. Iliesiu (U.C. Berkley, USA), H. Kanno  (Nagoya University, Japan), D. Kapec (Harvard University, USA), E. Kiritsis (APC, Université Paris-Cité, France),  M. Kleban  (New York University, USA ), A. Puhm (Amsterdam U. ),  D. Son (Chicago University, USA), J. Sonner (University of Geneva, Switzerland), P. Tourkine (LAPTH, Annecy, France), E. Verlinde (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), S. Wu (NTHU, Hsinchu, Taiwan), H. Zhang (Beijing Normal University, China ).


The school will accept approximately 65 participants. Applications is open. Junior applicants should have arranged for a letter of recommendation to be sent to <qftqg2025Recommend_at_gmail_com>. Participants are expected to cover their own travel expenses. The cost of the institute, including half board accommodation and registration fees, will be 950 USD. Some funding will be available upon specific request. Registration deadline March 31st.




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ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam
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