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Will be given later
Orateurs invités (alphabetic order):
- Origine of the Dark matter: where are we now ? - Marco Cirelli (LPTHE)
- HPC Results of black hole environment - Benjamin Crinquand (IRAP) TBC
- KM3Net/ICECube results - Valentin Decoene (Subatech)
- Conclusion of the INSU-AA prospective - Benoit Famaey (OAS)
- Conclusion of the CNES-AA prospective - Philippe Laudet (CNES)
- Particle acceleration in compact object environment - Martin Lemoine (APC)
- More than 20 years of observations by the HESS observatory and the future with CTA - Mathieu de Naurois (LLR)
- Binary supermassive black holes: observations and constraints - Marta Volonteri (IAP)
Orateurs sollicités (alphabetic order):
- CTA-France : What’s new ? - Fabio Acero (AIM), Stefan Fegan (LLR), Pierre Cristofari (LUTH)
- NewAthena status report - Didier Barret (IRAP)
- Colibri: Where are we now? first results and opening up to the community - Stéphane Basa (LAM)
- Science with SVOM (and Einstein Probe) - Bertrand Cordier (CEA) TBC
- Recent results from XRISM - Anne Decourchelle (CEA)
- SKA-France : What’s new ? - Chiara Ferrari (OCA)
- LSST and brokers: where are we now? - Emille Ishida (LPCA)
- ACME: where are we now? - Antoine Kouchner (APC)
- The Carbon Footprint of Astronomy Research - Jurgen Knödlseder (IRAP)
- Review of the four years of IXPE operation - Frédéric Marin (OAS)
- Parity, gender and social bias - Thibaut Paumard (LESIA)
- Association "association « vient voir mon taf" - Virginie Salmen - Recent highlights from LHAASO - Dmitri Semikoz (APC)
- O4 results - Viola Sordini (IP2I) TBC
- PTA: what's new? - Gilles Theureau (LPC2E)
- The RAPAS network - William Thuillot (IMCCE) TBC
- Participative Astronomy - Damien Turpin (CEA) TBC