Here are the artworks selected by the jury :
- Michalina Slemp, ILM, The forest of platinium and The art of laziness
- Clément Cornec, ENES and CRNL, Conciliabule forestier
- Laura Valéry, MAP, La main destructrice and Feu d'artifice
- Nicholas Blanchard, ILM, There are aliens in my silicon!
- Andrea Merlo, IRCELyon, Hidden Flames: The Burning Heart of Matter
- Florent Tournus, ILM, NanoIsland
- Antoine Triantafyllou, LGL, Earth Constellation
- Bastien Isabella, ILM, The Impossible Escape of a Bubble on the Frozen sea, Captives Breaths and Ephemeral snow on a bubble in metamorphosis
- Sophie Rome, CarMeN, macrophage sunrise
- Joachim Trosseille, ILM, Crystal drop
- Antoine Bernard, ILM, Cicatrices de l'anthropocène
- Amandine Roux, ENS, Protein crystals fireworks
- Mylène Dutour, LEHNA, Leçon de sons
- Emilien Chaigne--Tarlotin, IRCELyon,When fire meets water 2
- Juliette Codevelle, ILM, Structure and organization of actin filaments in an HCT116 Spheroid
- Oscar Dufour, ILM, Couple
- Eliot Saurety, ILM, Warhol plays with grains
- Fabien Chauveau, CRNL, Totem not taboo and With open heart
- Ines Tguafaiti, MAP, Starry Vesicles: A Journey into Cellular Universe and The Cell’s Cosmic Mouth: A Stomata’s Universe Unveiled
- Brice Guignard, LIBM, IA_Breaking
- Fabien Vialla, ILM, Convergence of worlds
- Louise Ratel, LAGEPP, CNRS and Université Lyon 1, Le crabe filtreur
- Camilla Lucardini, CIQLE and INSERM, The Worm wears Harlequin
- Philippe Leloup, LGL, Black rolling
- Damien Tricaud, UCBL, L'hydre pastèque, L'hydre dans ta face and POP pancréas