DESY Hostel
We recommend you to stay in the DESY Hostel, as this is the closest accommodation to the venue and as it offers very reasonable prices.
We reserved a contingent of rooms for you, which guarantees you a room during your stay. This service does not include any obligations, you are absolutely free to chose a hotel instead.
If you want to book a room at the hostel,
- follow this Link
- use IT/RIC as your DESY Group
- use ''OSCARS Consolidation and Terminology Workshop" as additional text.
Please remember that the contingent, and thus your guarantee to get a room, expires stepwise:
- 4 weeks before event (1st September): 50% of unused contingent expires
- 2 weeks before event (15th September): the rest expires
However, you might still have a chance to book a room after these dates.
Nearby Hotels
Link to nearby hotels