Marie Aubert
(LPC / CNRS / IN2P3)
The unprecedented statistics of detected Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) brought by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) enable us to probe the impact of the large-scale structure (LSS) on the properties of these objects. With a volume-limited selection of ZTF-Cosmo-DR2 SNe Ia overlapping with the SDSS-DR7 survey footprint, we investigated the distribution of their properties with regard to voids detected in the SDSS-DR7 galaxy sample. We further used Voronoi volumes as a proxy for local density environments within the LSS. I will present the results of this investigation and their possible consequence when considering cosmological analyses with SNe Ia.
Auteur principal
Marie Aubert
(LPC / CNRS / IN2P3)