Topics and lecturers
- Standard Model (SM): 7 lectures, Tzu-Chiang Yuan (Inst. of Physics, Taiwan)
- Experimental methods and Statistics at the LHC (Exp): 6 lectures, Nicholas Wardle, (Imperial College London, UK)
- Dark matter (DM): 5 lectures, Andreas Goudelis (LPC Clermont-Ferrand, France)
- QCD: 4 lectures, Jean-Philippe Guillet (LAPTh Annecy, France)
- Beyond SM (BSM): 4 lectures, Eung Jin Chun (KIAS, South Korea)
- Tools and Monte Carlo (MC): 4 lectures, Celine Degrande (UC Louvain, Belgium)
- Machine Learning for particle physicists (ML): 4 lectures, Sanmay Ganguly (Indian Institute of Technology, India)