The equation-of-state (EoS) of nuclear matter is of fundamental interest and has been the object of intense theoretical efforts since several decades. The interest is boosted by the fact that it is an important ingredient in modelling astrophysical phenomena such as compact stars and core collapse supernovae. A method to approach the nuclear equation-of-state, practiced since the mid-eighties, is the use of heavy-ion collisions over a wide range of incident energies, system sizes and compositions. From FOPI and ASY-EOS experimental data on elliptic flow of neutrons, protons and other light charged particles, one could extract constraints for the EoS of compressed (a-)symmetric nuclear matter up to about 2.5 times saturation density, using transport models. We will address the importance of taking into account momentum dependent interactions in the modelling of nuclear potentials, and of the determination of probed densities. This latter is strongly related with the origin of the elliptic flow that we measure in experiments, an origin explaining its sensitivity on the EoS.