9–14 sept. 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Size Compression of Nucleon Pair On Nuclear Surface

9 sept. 2024, 18:20
GANIL Guest House (Caen)

GANIL Guest House



Qing Zhao (Huzhou University)


We investigate the size changing of $2n$, $2p$, and $2d$ during their emission from $^6$He, $^6$Be, $^6$Li, and $^{18}$F in the microscopic calculation framework. The average size of the subsystem in the nucleus is defined with the two-dimensional reduced width amplitude (RWA). The results show that all of these nucleon pairs, including the boundary deuteron($2d$) pair, will happen the size compression at the surface of the nucleus. With further investigation into the behavior of the RWA, we propose that the pairing effect is strongly affected by the quantum feature of the wave function.

Auteur principal

Qing Zhao (Huzhou University)


BO ZHOU (Fudan University) Masaaki Kimura (RIKEN Nishina Center)

Documents de présentation