A new radioactive-ion beam (RIB) accelerator facility, RAON, is under construction in Korea. It consists of two RIB production systems, namely, isotope separation online (ISOL) and in-flight fragmentation (IF) and will eventually combine them to provide more exotic ion beams closer to the neutron drip line.
The large acceptance multi-purpose spectrometer (LAMPS) is one of the experimental systems for nuclear physics at RAON. The main goal of the LAMPS is to investigate the nuclear equation of state (EoS) and, especially, the symmetry energy (SE) of the compressed nuclear matter, which is essential for the effective nuclear interactions and structure of the neutron stars.
The LAMPS detector system has two independent systems: the fixed system at the high-energy experimental hall and another set of detectors mainly for the low-energy experiments. The high-energy LAMPS consists of the beam diagnostic system with the starting counters (SC) and beam drift chambers (BDC), time-projection chamber (TPC), barrel and forward time-of-flight arrays (BTOF and FTOF), forward neutron detector array (NDA), and superconducting solenoid magnet. For the low-energy experiments, the fast-timing gamma array KHALA, active-target time-projection chamber (AT-TPC) with a superconducting solenoid, and Si-CsI charged particle telescope are being procured. In this presentation, the overview of the present status of LAMPS and the readiness of the detector components will be given with some perspectives.