31 janvier 2024 à 2 février 2024
Centre Léon Bérard
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


The hackathon requires your active participation. Here is a guideline how to get ready for the event so we all can make the best out of it.

  • It is mandatory that you come with a laptop computer with Gate 10 installed. We currently support Linux (Ubuntu), MacOS, and Windows, and as an option Ubuntu via Windows (WSL). 
  • If you plan to use Gate10 as a user, e.g. to implement your own simulation, you can choose the simple install method via pip
  • If you plan to contribute code to Gate itself, e.g. a new feature or an improvement of an existing feature, you will need the advanced install method.  
  • If you are not sure yet, go with the advanced install method. 
  • In case you run into trouble with the installation, please write us an email. 
  • We will also organize a few Zoom meetings in January 2024 to guide you through the installation. 

Please prepare a slide (PowerPoint or similar) to present in 1 minute to the other participants what your goal for the hackathon is. If you agree, please put a photo of yourself and contact details on the slide for later reference among participants.