Technical Meeting
R. Poeschl, V. Boudry, A. Gallas, A. Thibault, J. Nanni, Y. Okugawa, J. Maalmi, D. Breton, Remote: A. Irles, J.C. Brient, D. Jeans, T. Suehara (10–11), J. Jeglot
Note: the TODOs are marked with [ ] followed by initials (F.L. for Firstname Lastname)
Introduction – Vincent
See attached preliminary plans, version 6a
- [ ] V.B. “ to be updated according to the outcome of the meeting
- No BT at CERN 2026–mid2028.
- Maybe no BT at DESY 2026–2027 (depends on funding of PETRA IV).
ASIC testing – Vincent
Same status as presented at the CALICE meeting 28/03:
- ~460 ASICs avail.
- Test bench in Ωmega; program from Stephane; 9 mins / ASICs
- ~13 scan performed in 9 mins;
- 46 with NOVAPAC tested:35 OK, 3 “OK but”, 8 BAD–TBC
- 105 with NPAC tested: 85 OK; 44 “OK, but”; 6 to be rested; 3 BAD
- Full Text file recorded but not yet analysed
- A bachelor student will continue the analysis ≥ 26/06
Production – Jérôme
30 PCB produced and received (last 10 in IJC)
If possible, PCB handling with gloves to avoid finger grease.
- [ ] Not done for metrology ?
- Jihane : Not practical for electronics testing. A support is needed, see discussion in " How to handle the ASUs ?"
Note: a cleaning is done (washing machine ?!?) after the cabling.
A cold plasma washer is now available in IFIC.
Inventory ?
PCBs are identified by a number on the technical sides;
To be replaced by a sticker when the sides are removed.
Added by V.B. after the meeting:
- [ ] WHO is providing an inventory and measurement DB of the PCBs ?
- in the DB:
- PCB number; slab number
- ASICs numbers
- Metrology
- Sensors number
- Unique ID from the Texas chip
Metrology – Alice & Alexandre
- 4 PCB measured in IJC using a sensor head in 1 afternoon (⊃ explanations) by a mechanics operator. Usually used to check the tooling.
- Only for flatness; not for lateral dimensions
- [ ] A.T.: data to be looked at
- Metrology of cabled boards in next days ?
- [ ] not on a day notice; A.T. will ask
Cabling - Dominique
- Cabling of 4 PCBs will proceed this day 12 juin 2023
- Delay due to missing component; ordered and delivered
- 💡 R.P. : have ≥ 2 boards in each lab (IJC, LLR, IFIC). ➞ launch cabling of 2 others as soon as 4 tested OK.
- ☝️ J.N.: LLR can wait for the 2nd prod, as no manpower yet available for testing.
- ☝️ A.I.: Same for IFIC, BUT at least one board needed for dimension checks of the gluing support.
- [ ] WHO : Send 2 at IFIC ≤ 14/07 See Logistics
Testing – Jihane
- Fast testing only: 1 week ➞ end of June
- In-depth testing later, DAQ needs some adaptation (see DAQ)
- Does require a support to manipulate the boards + SLBoards
- see discussion in How to handle the ASUs ?
Kaptons – Jimmy, Jérôme
The Kaptons thickness were measured : ???
10 pieces of Kapton v5 are available.
There was an error in the folding by 1 mm (towards the center of the wafers). Flattening + refolding is risky for the copper layer.
For one of them, direct folding with the bord in a U worked fine (Jérôme).
Production of Kapton v6 can be launched as soon as we are sure about the design.
- [ ] Jimmy+Jérôme: what test are needed to be sure ?
- [ ] R.P. Funding ? AIDAInnova or SE2024 ?
- [ ] to be (re)done in each lab
- IJC: 12 Wafers from 2020, stored under controlled conditions.
- LLR: ??
- [ ] A.I.: Contact EVA and Jan Benhammou to see who can make the design of the testing PCB.
- [ ] J.N. Alternative: Rémi @ LPNHE ? ➞ will discuss DRD6 soon.
Robot and Clean room – Adrián
- “clean” room ready in September ⊃ robot
- 3 samples of glue tested
- Test of conductive + mechanical glue dots not advised by expert (≠ curing time, mixing, etc.)
- Dummy wafers (by PhotonExport, Spanish importer ?) costs ~ 55€/pce
- Mail from Adrián:
- Si wafer coated with Aluminium
Material: Si
Diameter: 2 inches mm
Type: P
Dopant: Boron
Orientation: (100) +/- 0.1º
Thickness: 300 um +/-25 um
Resistivity: < 10
Surface Finish: SSP
Coated Layer: 300 nm Al
- Conduction tests done on LUXE-type “flex PCBs”
- Test on “standard” double face tape to come…
Underfill – Alice & Alex
- A very fluid epoxy glue (designed to fix the BGA circuits) fills all the space between the wafers and the PCB,
- by capillarity from one side of the ASU, it “ramps up” the PCB-Wafer space.
- This gap must NOT be > 200 μm.
- Applied after the conductive glue dots.
- It stops by itself of at the borders of the wafers & PCB, and will not go through the inter-wafer gaps. Tested on LPNHE test PCB+Glass samples.
- To be done:
- [ ] A.G+A.T. : calibration of the polymerisation time
- [ ] A.G.+A.T.: Calibration of the amount of glue
- Traction tests :
- [ ] A.G.: Mail to LLR (Antoine Cauchois to see availability of the equipment
- [ ] A.G. + Alice: find a good traction test design.
- [ ] Possibility for A.G. + A.T to go to Valencia ?
SLAB and Casing
How to handle the ASUs ?
- “Old” U might do it for electronics tests and handling
- [ ] A.T. : should be cleaned up (rest of glue ?)
- Buffers (”cale” in French) have to be designed to compensate for the difference of thickness between the PCB (or ASU) and the SLBoards with its underside components
- 1 buffer for PCB and another one for ASUS (=PCB+wafers+Kapton)
- [ ] A.G. : Remeasure all the thicknesses, check the compatibility with the existing structure.
A priori, no change on the existing structure, if the thicknesses of the SLAB are OK.
We keep the same thicknesses of W.
- Modifications
- SLBoard modification ( "simple" replacement of 1 power-supply component by a wire )
- DAQ adaptation for reading of the probe
- Handling of the Texas ID + temp monitoring
- [ ] D.B. Can the pins of the SLBoard below the card be shortened ?
- [ ] D.B.+J.M. How many spares ? 3 ?
- [ ] J.M.: send a SLboard to IFIC with the PCBs
- New SLBoards:
- Production dependent on availability of MAX10 FPGAs, will be delivered in December !
- Adaptation to several ASUs (for next years and for the Long Slab)
- already implemented for but needs to be X-checked
- [ ] J.M. Tests for 2 ASUs
- [ ] J.M. Adapted for ≤8 ASUs (added by V.B.)
Assembly & commissioning
NO ONE is available now to do the commissioning.
- [ ] Need to find a master commissioner !
BT preparation, planning, analysis
Plans in Kyushu
Taikan will move to Tokyo in Autumn.
The material will be shipped in August.
To be organised :
- 💡 added by VB: keep inventory
PCB casing:
- Could be sent with standard electronics cardboard box filled with honeycomb foam.
- [ ] J.N., J.M. : Availability ?
ASU Casing, 2 examples:
- [ ] R.P. contact Eva to learn more
- [ ] J.N. contact Rémi to get reference of the “old” plastic boxes.
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