2nd OSSR Collaboration meeting


Video Link to the Meeting - Zoom Meeting Room

● Collaborating with the Research Software Directory

Discussion on Research Software Directory
(answers by Jason Maassen)

  • KG: Federated search between different RSDs  or common databases under discussion
    • link to external sources is in development - will be implemented as needed by the users
  •  TG: Is there curation or moderation? Are future releases covered? 
    • curation processes not included yet, could be by communities (admins can be added)
      • OSSR as curated community fits in rather nicely
      • match communities from Zenodo? could be an option
  • meta data handling - currently only metadata from platform is used, extra harvesters could be added if needed.codemeta file not directly imported; CFF and Zenodo directly imported
    • to be followed up offline
  • MK: No tools provided to make e.g. upload to Zenodo easier?
    MK: Is done in OSSR, might be helpful to upload information
    • push information to RSD should be also possible (important for closed source software) - DMA working on that
      • CT: Build tool to use OSSR with eOSSR to list entries & push
  • connection to OpenAire will be by harvesting from both sides (OpenAire starting to offer service to augment metadata.)
  • software heritage identifiers are under consideration as well, in addition to DOIs
  • where to join RSD?
    • join the current platfomrs at eScienceCentre, HZDR or (comming up) Imperial College
    • host your one
    • eScienceCentre as host 
      • KG: Use case in EOSC to host service - would be good for funding
  • follow up meeting with interested persons to be organised by CT and KG

● Preparation of Next Meeting

Host of autumn meeting: LAPP in Annecy

  • tentatively 3rd / 4th week November (after ADASS 6-10/11/2023)
  • poll will follow

Organisation of monthly meetings (last week of each month), poll for last week of June will follow 

● Discussion on current onboardings

  • For latest onboardings, issues in curation: https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/escape2020/wp3/ossr-curation/-/issues
  • For reviews, list of curators (additions/retraction?): 
    • Thomas Vuillaume, Jutta Schnabel, Tamas Gal, Christian Tacke, Mark Kettenis, Kay Graf (backup: Enrique Garcia)
  • For open merge requests:
    • If "in curation", reviewer has been assigned - please pick up your reviews!
      • Communication problems?
      • Any support for reminding about open curation processes?
        • standard point at monthly meetings
    • If "preliminary" (new tag): What to do about projects already added to ESCAPE group but with open curation processes?
      • Proposal: Notify project owners about required changes, after 1 month remove from group
    • If "Ready for curation", no reviewers assigned yet: 

● Developers' Hands-On OSSR@Gitlab

  • Thomas exports curation to gitlab.com
    • Onboarding issue will be set up
  • A note is set up in the old repo (and each issue and merge request) pointing to the new repo (Jutta)
  • migrating pages to gitlab.com, adding internal pages to wiki, using as documentation project
  • Moving "living" projects to gitlab.com, archiving rest. Living: eossr, Codemeta Generator
    • Onboarding archived by Jutta
Il y a un compte-rendu associé à cet événement. Les afficher.
    • 09:30 10:30
      OSSR policy and technical developments 1h
      • Overview 20m
        Orateur: Dr Kay Graf (ECAP - University of Erlangen)
      • Collaborating with the Research Software Directory 30m
        Orateurs: Dr Christian Tacke (GSI), Jason Maassen (Netherlands eScience Center)

        Discussion on Research Software Directory
        (answers by Jason Maassen)

        • KG: Federated search between different RSDs  or common databases under discussion
          • link to external sources is in development - will be implemented as needed by the users
        •  TG: Is there curation or moderation? Are future releases covered? 
          • curation processes not included yet, could be by communities (admins can be added)
            • OSSR as curated community fits in rather nicely
            • match communities from Zenodo? could be an option
        • meta data handling - currently only metadata from platform is used, extra harvesters could be added if needed.codemeta file not directly imported; CFF and Zenodo directly imported
          • to be followed up offline
        • MK: No tools provided to make e.g. upload to Zenodo easier?
          MK: Is done in OSSR, might be helpful to upload information
          • push information to RSD should be also possible (important for closed source software) - DMA working on that
            • CT: Build tool to use OSSR with eOSSR to list entries & push
        • connection to OpenAire will be by harvesting from both sides (OpenAire starting to offer service to augment metadata.)
        • software heritage identifiers are under consideration as well, in addition to DOIs
        • where to join RSD?
          • join the current platfomrs at eScienceCentre, HZDR or (comming up) Imperial College
          • host your one
          • eScienceCentre as host 
            • KG: Use case in EOSC to host service - would be good for funding
        • follow up meeting with interested persons to be organised by CT and KG
      • Preparation of Next Meeting 5m
        • Time Frame
        • Candidate for hosts of this hybrid event
        Orateur: Dr Kay Graf (ECAP - University of Erlangen)

        Host of autumn meeting: LAPP in Annecy

        • tentatively 3rd / 4th week November (after ADASS 6-10/11/2023)
        • poll will follow

        Organisation of monthly meetings (last week of each month), poll for last week of June will follow 

    • 10:45 12:15
    • 12:15 12:30
      Break 15m
    • 12:30 13:30
      Developers' Hands-On OSSR@Gitlab 1h

      Migrating the OSSR to Gitlab.com - for developers actively taking part in the set-up

      • Thomas exports curation to gitlab.com
        • Onboarding issue will be set up
      • A note is set up in the old repo (and each issue and merge request) pointing to the new repo (Jutta)
      • migrating pages to gitlab.com, adding internal pages to wiki, using as documentation project
      • Moving "living" projects to gitlab.com, archiving rest. Living: eossr, Codemeta Generator
        • Onboarding archived by Jutta