28–29 juin 2023
Université de Toulouse, Faculté de médecine
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Relativistic asymmetry in galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-ellipticity correlations

28 juin 2023, 16:00
Salle du conseil (Université de Toulouse, Faculté de médecine)

Salle du conseil

Université de Toulouse, Faculté de médecine

37, Allées Jules Guesde 31000 Toulouse on the left once your enter the building.


Shohei Saga (IAP)


The observed galaxy distribution via galaxy redshift surveys appears distorted due to redshift-space distortions (RSD). One dominant contribution to RSD comes from the Doppler effect induced by the peculiar velocity of galaxies. The Doppler effect produces the even multipole anisotropy in the correlation function and it has been well studied in a few decades. I will present my recent work on the asymmetric galaxy clustering (odd multipoles). As the asymmetric distortions arises from the other relativistic effects than the standard Doppler effect, it contains qualitatively different cosmological information from the even multipoles. I will show that one can use the asymmetric distortions as a probe of the gravitational redshift effect, leading to a new probe of gravity theory.

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