28–29 juin 2023
Université de Toulouse, Faculté de médecine
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Measuring the anisotropic stress with future galaxy surveys

28 juin 2023, 11:40
Salle du conseil (Université de Toulouse, Faculté de médecine)

Salle du conseil

Université de Toulouse, Faculté de médecine

37, Allées Jules Guesde 31000 Toulouse on the left once your enter the building.


Isaac Tutusaus (IRAP)


Galaxy surveys provide one of the best ways to constrain the theory of gravity at cosmological scales. They can be used to constrain the two gravitational potentials encoding time, Ψ, and spatial, Φ, distortions, which are exactly equal at late time within general relativity. Hence, any small variation leading to a nonzero anisotropic stress, i.e. a difference between these potentials, would be an indication for modified gravity. Current analyses usually consider gravitational lensing and redshift-space distortions to constrain the anisotropic stress, but these rely on certain assumptions like the validity of the weak equivalence principle, and a specific time evolution of the functions encoding deviations from general relativity. In this talk, I will propose a reparametrization of the gravitational lensing observable, together with the use of the relativistic dipole of the correlation function of galaxies to directly measure the anisotropic stress with a minimum amount of assumptions.

Auteur principal

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