Présidents de session
- Joachim Stroth (Goethe University Frankfurt / GSI)
- Joachim Stroth (Goethe University Frankfurt / GSI)
- Nu Xu (LBNL)
NA60+ is a new experiment designed to study the phase diagram of the strongly interacting matter at high baryochemical potential from 200 to 550 MeV at the CERN SPS. It is focused on precision studies of thermal dimuons, heavy quark and strangeness production in Pb--Pb collisions at center of mass energies ranging from 6 to 17 GeV.
The proposed experimental apparatus is composed of a vertex...
During LHC LS3 (2026-28) ALICE is replacing its inner-most three tracking layers by a new detector, "ITS3". It will be based on newly developed wafer-scale monolithic active pixel sensors, which are bent into truly cylindrical layers and held in place by light mechanics made from carbon foam. Unprecedented low values of material budget ($0.07\%$ per layer) and closeness to interaction point...
The CBM experiment at FAIR aims to explore dense nuclear matter near the predicted quark-gluon plasma phase transition. Studying the production and decay of (multi-strange) hypernuclei in this extreme environment offers unique insights into hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions, crucial for understanding the nuclear equation of state at high densities and the structure of neutron...
The intriguing phenomena emerging in the high-density quantum chromodynamics (QCD) matter are being widely studied in the heavy ion program at the LHC and will be understood more deeply during the high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) era. The CMS experiment is under the Phase 2 upgrade towards the HL-LHC era. Among others, a new timing detector is proposed with its timing resolution for minimum...
The ALICE Collaboration has proposed a completely new apparatus, ALICE 3, for the LHC Runs 5 and 6, which will enable novel studies of the quark-gluon plasma focusing on low-$p_{\rm T}$ heavy-flavour production, including beauty hadrons, multi-charm baryons and charm-charm correlations, as well as on precise multi-differential measurements of dielectron emission to probe the mechanism of...
ALICE 3 is the next generation heavy-ion experiment proposed for the LHC Runs 5 and 6. Its tracking system will be based on a vertex detector, integrated in a retractable structure inside the beam pipe to achieve a pointing resolution of better than 10 microns for $p_{\rm T}$ > 200 MeV/$c$, and a very-large-area tracker, surrounding the vertex detector and covering 8 units of pseudorapidity...
This new DOE FOA project, first funded by the DOE Office of Science Nuclear Physics AI-Machine Learning initiative in 2022, focuses on leveraging cutting-edge AI technology to address the data processing challenges posed by high-energy nuclear experiments, such as those at RHIC, LHC, and the future EIC. We first aim to develop a demonstrator to process high-rate data streams from sPHENIX...
The proposed Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will utilize high-luminosity high-energy electron+proton ($e+p$) and electron+nucleus ($e+A$) collisions to solve several fundamental questions including searching for gluon saturation and studying the proton/nuclear structure. High granularity and low material budget silicon vertex and tracking detector with fine spatial resolution is essential to...