Utilizing rapidity-dependent measurements to map the QCD phase diagram provides a complementary approach to traditional beam energy-dependent measurements around midrapidity. The changing nature of thermodynamic properties of QCD matter along the beam axis in heavy-ion collisions at low collision energies both motivate and pose challenges for this method. In this study, we derive the analytical cumulant-generating function for subsystems within distinct rapidity windows, while accounting for global net-baryon charge conservation of the full system. Rapidity-dependent net-baryon cumulants are then calculated for a system exhibiting inhomogeneity along the beam axis, and their sensitivity to finite acceptances through changing rapidity bin widths is explored. We highlight the non-trivial behaviors exhibited by these cumulants, underscoring their importance in establishing a non-critical baseline for interpreting net-proton cumulants in the search for the QCD critical point. Finally, we discuss the implications of the rapidity scan for mapping the QCD phase diagram within the current context.