3–7 juin 2024
Université de Strasbourg / Palais de la Musique et des Congrès
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Mass degeneracy of chiral partners at finite density and its discovery potential at present facilities

4 juin 2024, 19:19
Hall Schweitzer, ground floor (PMC)

Hall Schweitzer, ground floor


Poster Bulk matter phenomena, QCD phase diagram and Critical point Posters


Ren Ejima (Hiroshima University)


The spectral functions of chiral partners should become degenerate when the QCD chiral symmetry is restored. The axial-vector spectra are experimentally more challenging to construct than those of vector mesons that directly couple to virtual photons and then to dileptons. Chiral mixing of the vector with axial-vector mesons is thus a key phenomenon to probe in-medium modifications of vector spectrum due to the onset of chiral symmetry restoration carried by the axial-vector counterpart. The mixing effect is expected to be stronger at higher density due to a mechanism driven by chiral anomalies [1], in striking contrast to the vanishing mixing at chiral crossover driven by thermal pions [2]. This feature encourages us to perform the experimental search in the high-density regime, where the recent experimental trend has begun to shift toward.
 We propose that experiments at medium energies with paying attention to the new mixing mechanism, may provide a direct evidence of the chiral symmetry restoration. In this presentation, we focus on the density-induced mixing and the spectral functions of $\phi$ and its chiral partner $f_1(1420)$. We present the invariant mass distribution of dileptons using a transport approach developed in [3, 4] under the conditions of the J-PARC E16 experiment as a prime example. A potential to discover the mass degeneracy of chiral partners at finite density as a signature of the partial chiral symmetry restoration is advocated.


[1] C. Sasaki, Anomaly-induced chiral mixing in cold and dense matter, Phys. Rev. D 106, 054034 (2022).
[2] A. Sakai, M. Harada, C. Nonaka, C. Sasaki, K. Shigaki, and S. Yano, Probing the QCD phase transition with chiral mixing in dilepton production, 2308.03305, arXiv, nucl-th(2023).
[3] W. Cassing, and E. L. Bratkovskaya, Parton transport and hadronization from the dynamical quasiparticle point of view, Phys. Rev. C 78, 034919 (2008).
[4] P. Gubler, E. L. Bratkovskaya, and T. Song, $\phi$ meson properties in nuclear matter from dilepton spectra in a transport approach, EPJ Web Conf. 274, 07015 (2022).


Ren Ejima (Hiroshima University)


Chihiro Sasaki (University of Wroclaw) Kenta Shigaki (Hiroshima University) Philipp Gubler (JAEA)

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