MasterClass Open Science and Scientific Publications

Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald (IPHC)

Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald



The French Physical Society (SFP) celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2023, with several associated events across France. Among them, the Publications and Open Science committee of the SFP, EDP Sciences and the Young Physicists Network of the SFP are organizing a Masterclass in several cities for PhD students to learn more about Open Science and scientific publications. 

The Alsace section of the French Physical Society will organise on June 19th and 20th 2023 a Masterclass featuring both lectures and interactive activities. The masterclass speakers will include physicists, chemical physicists, chemists, professionals involved in Open Science at the University of Strasbourg, as well as scientific publishers such as EDP Sciences. 


In the context of this masterclass, the following topics will be covered:

  • Key steps of scientific publishing: (i) choice of journal, editorial process, economic models in scientific publishing, (ii) article writing process, (iii) peer review process, (iv) communication around an accepted publication. 
  • Online upload of preprints and of research data in open repositories, 
    with their advantages. 
  • Services to help PhD students and researchers on the topic of open 
    science locally
    • 09:00 09:05
      Welcome 5m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      Orateurs: Représentant IPHC (IPHC), Gabriel Chardin (CNRS)
    • 09:05 09:30
      Opening presentation 25m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      Objectives of the Masterclass
      Introduction on the French Society of Physics

      Orateur: Bart van Tiggelen (LPMMC, former editor of Europhysics Letters)
    • 09:30 11:00
      Your interlocutors on Open Science at the University of Strasbourg 1h 30m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      The main projects funded by the Open Science Steering Committee,
      The catalog of trainings by the URFIST of Strasbourg.
      The national data warehouse « Recherche data gouv » and the participation of the University to this national project.
      The Data management cluster called « Atelier de la donnée Alsace » (ADELE Helpdesk).
      The platform SCIGNE (grid computing).
      The researcher services by the IT Department of the University (DNUM, CESAR team).

      Orateurs: Adeline Rege (UNISTRA, Library Department, researcher services team), Arthur Pons (UNISTRA, DNUM, CESAR team), Jérôme Pansanel (SCIGNE Platform), Noël Thiboud (URFIST of Strasbourg), Stéphanie Cheviron (UNISTRA, Library Department, researcher services team)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee Break 30m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      In order to make the Master Class more environment friendly, we recommend that you come with your own reusable coffee cup or mug for the breaks, so as not to use disposable ones.

    • 11:30 12:30
      Open Science and Excellence in Research 1h Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      Orateur: Thomas Ebbesen (ISIS, CNRS Gold Medal)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m CROUS


      Paid for by the organization team

    • 14:00 15:45
      Publish A Paper I : An Overview of Scientific Publications 1h 45m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      What does the editor do? How do the journals operate? What about evaluation of research/searchers ? What’s the economic model of journals? Access to papers ?

      Orateurs: Adeline Rege (UNISTRA, Library services, support desk for diffusion of research), Denis Bartolo (ENS Lyon, Chief editor at PRX)
    • 15:45 16:15
      Coffee Break 30m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      In order to make the Master Class more environment friendly, we recommend that you come with your own reusable coffee cup or mug for the breaks, so as not to use disposable ones.

    • 16:15 17:30
      Publish A Paper II : How To Write A Paper ? 1h 15m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      Choosing a title, list of authors, the importance of the abstract, quality of figures. Practical workshop on the abstract.

      Orateur: Anne Ruimy (EDP Sciences)
    • 17:30 17:35
      End of first day 5m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


    • 09:00 10:30
      Publish A Paper III : Peer-Reviewing 1h 30m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      Why peer-reviewing is necessary ? Workshop and activities.

      Orateurs: Anne Ruimy (EDP Sciences), Jörg Baschnagel (ICS, editor EPJE), Marie-Pierre Krafft (ICS, editor Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci.)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break 30m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      In order to make the Master Class more environment friendly, we recommend that you come with your own reusable coffee cup or mug for the breaks, so as not to use disposable ones.

    • 11:00 12:30
      Using Open Archive and Selecting the Adequate Open license 1h 30m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      Preprint and postprint. Institutional open archive (UnivOAK) & HAL. Legal aspects, embargoes.

      Orateur: Héloïse Gazeau (UNISTRA, Library Department, Researcher services team)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m CROUS


      Reserved space in the Cafeteria,
      At your own cost (normal CROUS price, using your Izly account)

    • 14:00 15:30
      How to Share Your Research Results (codes & research data) 1h 30m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      Research data infrastructures, sharing codes, data management plan, electronic notebooks, data formats, sharing data, safety of data.

      Orateurs: Arthur Pons (UNISTRA, IT Department, researcher services team), Stéphane Popinet (Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, Sorbonne University), Stéphanie Cheviron (UNISTRA, Library Department, researcher services team)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Publish A Paper IV : Promoting Your Own Work 30m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      Participation to conferences, Communication on your publications, tips for branding.

      Orateurs: Aurélie Hourlier-Fargette (ICS), Jean Farago (ICS, COM INP CNRS)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee Break 30m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      In order to make the Master Class more environment friendly, we recommend that you come with your own reusable coffee cup or mug for the breaks, so as not to use disposable ones.

    • 16:30 17:30
      Feedback & Exchanges 1h Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald


      Feedback from researchers, recommendations, questions/answers.

      Orateurs: Anne Ruimy (EDP Sciences), Noémi Cobolet (UNISTRA, Open Science)
    • 17:30 17:40
      End of Master Class 10m Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald

      Bat 25 - Amphi. Grunewald
