6–7 nov. 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Correction of fiber collisions effects in DESI Y1

7 nov. 2023, 09:30
Amphi LAPP (Annecy)

Amphi LAPP



Mathilde Pinon (CEA/Irfu/DPhP)


I will present a method to mitigate the effect of fiber collisions on galaxy clustering in DESI first year of data. Fiber collisions happen because the physical size of the fibers prevents us from observing two galaxies with small angular separation at the same time. Thus, for the first year of DESI observation, we are missing some galaxy pairs at small transverse separation. By removing all galaxy pairs with transverse separation below some threshold from two-point statistics (correlation function and power spectrum), in both estimators and models, we can remove the effect of fiber collisions and recover unbiased constraints on cosmological parameters from two-point measurements.

Auteur principal

Mathilde Pinon (CEA/Irfu/DPhP)

Documents de présentation