24–26 avr. 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Conference dinner

The conference dinner will be held on April the 25th at the Browar Lubicz Restaurant (Lubicz Brewery). The meeting time is set to 19:30 and the dinner will be served at 20:00.

More information about the restaurant can be found on their website: https://en.browar-lubicz.com.pl/.

Lubicz 17J st.
31-503 Kraków.

The menu will be the following:

  • Tradycyjny rosół z lanym ciastem (Traditional broth with homemade noodles)
  • Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie grzybowym z opiekanymi
    ziemniakami i grillowanymi warzywami (Pork tenderloin with mushroom sauce, roasted potatoes and grilled vegetables)
  • Szarlotka z bitą śmietaną i czekoladą (Apple cake with whipped
    cream and chocolate)

For vegetarians, the main dish will be replaced by the following:

  • Kaszotto ze słodu z grillowanymi warzywami (Beer malt with
    grilled vegetables)

The following extras are included:

  • Pieczywo, masło, woda gazowana i niegazowana, kawa, herbata (Bread, butter, water, coffee, tea)