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Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP
You are invited to attend a videocon taking place in virtual meeting room:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 973 0834 7310
Password: Will be provided via email*
One tap mobile
+31202410288,,97308347310# Netherlands
+31207940854,,97308347310# Netherlands
Minutes of thelast meeting can be found at the previous meeting.
Overview of meetings: https://indico.in2p3.fr/category/906/
Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP.
After a couple of coding sprints with Klaas:
CTADIRAC and Async worker are playing nice together. Able to submit & query jobs
API and GUI branches merged. Worker branch to be merged soon.
In addition to what is shown in the video we are now able to download user specified containers and submit them.
Pushing towards a real world example.
Pierre writes:
Here are the progress: we have setup a staging TAP server for the LIGO-Virgo collaboration that contains the confidently detected events, in one hand, and the sub-threshold pipeline triggers on the other one. While we're waiting for the production server, I will work on adding an EGO/Virgo entry point to ESAP by next week, if you're ok with that.
OSSR coordination
Work on api and web application to be integrated in ESAP to access EGI resources. Temporary repositories:
Command line api completed. "Create Server" and "Load Access key" on web app completed.
Video-emo will follow ASAP
Poster at EGI Confernce 2022 (20-22 September).
Our JupyterHub service has been accepted into Surfnet's SURFconext single sign on (SSO) authentication service. Joining SURFConect is a prerequisite to get access to eduGAIN.
We are now setting up a SATOSA proxy to sit between our KeyCloak instance and SURFConext, this proxy can later
be extended to handle eduGAIN.