30 May 2023 to 9 June 2023
IESC Cargèse
Europe/Paris timezone

Discovering radio transients using the power of humans and machines

5 Jun 2023, 15:50
IESC Cargèse

IESC Cargèse

20130 Cargèse


Alex Andersson


The study of radio transients probes an immense range of astrophysical regimes - from flare stars to FRBs - and with the advent of current interferometers we can sample wide swathes of the radio sky with unprecedented sensitivity and cadence. Firstly, I will discuss recent, serendipitous discoveries being made with the MeerKAT radio telescope and how we can make the best of new facilities coming online. This includes how citizen scientists have scoured our data and uncovered 100s of new variable sources - this is the first ever crowd sourcing project dedicated to radio transients in this manner. Secondly, I will discuss novel machine learning techniques being developed to speed up the search for interesting and anomalous sources, methods that will prove invaluable as we look towards observatories such as the SKA.

Presentation materials