5–6 mai 2022
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Modeling of High Column Density systems in the Ly-α Forests Correlation Function

6 mai 2022, 09:45
Amphithéâtre Gastaut (RDC) (AMU)

Amphithéâtre Gastaut (RDC)


AMU, Site du Pharo (bâtiment à gauche du Palais du Pharo) 58 Boulevard Charles Livon 13007 MARSEILLE https://indico.cern.ch/event/848390/page/18195-venue


ting tan


The Lyman-α forest is detected as the series of absorption lines in the quasar spectra, caused by the Lyman-α transitions of neutral hydrogen in the low-density, high-redshift intergalactic medium (IGM). It is a biased continuous tracer of the quasi-linear matter density field, and the auto (cross) correlation function of the forests (with quasars) has been used to detect the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) signal. The Damped Lyman-α System (DLAs) is one of the most important systematics in the Lyman-α BAO analysis. DLAs are strong absorption regions in Lyman-alpha forests caused by neutral hydrogen along the sightline with extremely high column densities, usually $log(\text{NHI})>=20$. We present an accurate model to characterize the impact of DLAs on the measurement of the Lyman-α correlation function, as well as the BAO fitting.

Auteurs principaux

Christophe Balland (LPNHE Paris - UPMC -ILP) ting tan James Rich (SPP) Jean-Marc Le Goff (CEA Saclay DRF/Irfu/DPhP)

Documents de présentation