Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.

LAPP ESCAPE regular meeting


LAPP ESCAPE meetings

Emplacement: ZOOM

Julie CHAUDAN vous invite à une réunion Zoom planifiée.

Sujet : Zoom meeting invitation - LAPP ESCAPE 24/01
Heure : 24 janv. 2022 02:00 PM Paris

Participer à la réunion Zoom

ID de réunion : 988 9697 7290
Code secret : THX2mv


On Indico

    • 14:00 14:10
      WP1 10m
      Orateurs: Giovanni LAMANNA (LAPP - IN2P3/CNRS), Ian Bird (LAPP), Julie CHAUDAN (LAPP IN2P3 / CNRS)



      WP1 General :

      - Review 2 preparation (02/03/2022) : Reporting Period until 31/01, Periodic Report on going, and still missing some financial inputs from partners

      - Deliverables : expected for January D6.5 Promotional education animation videos and D4.5 Release of prototype machine learning enable archive services providing value-added content to archives


    • 14:10 14:30
      WP2 20m
      Orateurs: Arturo Sanchez Pineda (LAPP), Berkay TURK ({CNRS}UMR5814), Nadine NEYROUD (LAPP), Stephane JEZEQUEL (LAPP), frederic gillardo

      (Frederic, Berkay, Stephane)

    • 14:30 14:50
      WP3 20m
      Orateurs: Enrique Garcia Garcia, Dr Thomas Vuillaume (LAPP, CNRS)


      # ESCAPE Data Science School 2022


      • prep for hybride mode
      • pick dates
      • rough agenda
      • LOC & SOC
    • 14:50 15:10
      WP5 20m
      Orateurs: Dominique Boutigny (LAPP), Marie Paturel

      (Marie, Dominique)

    • 15:10 15:30
      WP6 20m
      Orateur: Mathilde Hubert (LAPP)



      • WP2: to be organised in February
      • Webinar/workshop ESCAPE and EOSC Future


      • Summer school video done and will be promoted soon
      • Videos with WP leaders interviews


      • 26 January Science Mesh by CS3MESH4EOSC
      • 21 February 2022 2nd ESCAPE VO school in Strasbourg


    • 15:30 15:50
      EOSC Future / TSPs / VRE 20m
      Orateurs: Enrique Garcia Garcia, Ian Bird (LAPP), Jared Little (LAPP), Tetiana Hryn'ova (LAPP)


      EOSC-Future (summary from Ian)

      • For the TSP, EOSC-Future has now set up a system of "shepherds" to coordinate between the TSPs and the e-infras in EOSC-Future.  This role is really a liaison (shepherd is wrong name).  FOR the ESCAPE TSPs this person is Gianni Dalla Torre (from EGI and EGI-ACE).  We will invite him to our TSP meetings.  He will be a good contact to help us set up procured cloud resources from EOSC-Future to connect to our TSP use.
      • I will organise a general TSP meeting as soon as possible to get back on track with implementing the TSP plans.
      • There was an EOSC-Future 9-month technical review last week: the reviewers were quite critical of the fact that EOSC-Future does not yet have clear demonstrations of progress.  However, ESCAPE showed (demo was done by CSCS) the successful integration of our EOSC-compliant AAI with HPC at the review, but due to lack of time the advance that this represents was not well understood.  
      • We have also had a discussion inside EOSC-Future about exposing ESCAPE services, data (IVOA, Open data portal), software within EOSC.  This looks optimistic, the metadata choices in ESCAPE can be fairly easily connected to EOSC-Future.  We are making sure the experts on both sides are in contact.  This will be a step forward that will be visible.
      • It is important for ESCAPE that we start to deploy and show incremental TSP deployment activities, even if not yet full workflows.   My impression is that we are close to being able to do this, at least for the DM TSP.