22–24 févr. 2022
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


Preparations before start of the school

Before the school starts, please take care of a few preparations. You will need a computer with zoom connection (audio and video should work) and the software as listed below installed. Please do so ahead of the school so that you have time for troubleshooting if you get stuck.


The school will be held remotely in zoom. Please make sure you have a recent version installed.


For some of the software you will need to install JAVA. We strongly recommend JAVA Version 8. The installer of the current Version of Splat-VO does not run reliable in higher Versions. Where to get JAVA and which packages to install depends on your OS.


A few tutorials make use of topcat. You can download and install it from here: http://www.starlink.ac.uk/topcat/#install


Aladin can be downloaded and installed from here: https://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/AladinDesktop/


As mentioned above: when installing Splat, make sure you are using JAVA Version 8.

Splat VO is available here: https://www.g-vo.org/pmwiki/About/SPLAT

Download the installer here: http://soft.g-vo.org/splat-beta/splat-vo-3.15_1.jar

and save it to your local machine. Then make sure you have JAVA as Version 8 installed on your machine. Eventually you can run the installer from command line with something like

java -jar splat-vo-3.15_1.jar
if JAVA version 8 is your default JAVA version, or using the path to java 8 on your machine, e.g. :

/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -jar splat-vo-3.15_1.jar

To run splat-vo, type:

java -Xmx2048m -jar /path_to_splat/splat-vo.jar

where path_to_splat is the folder in which splat was installed on your machine. On MACs this often is:



VOSA is a webservice developed and maintained by S-VO. You will need to make an account on the server: http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/theory/vosa/

Python / Jupyter-notebooks

Some tutorials make use of jupyter notebooks. Again, where to get python and jupytor notebooks depends on you OS.

Slack Channel

We invite you to join the school's Slack channel at:https://join.slack.com/t/escape-voschool/shared_invite/zt-13fghnlx0-kBDEALgRcnsvCJ1ArWdIIg

There you can get in touch with the tutors outside the Sessions, which may be very useful when it comes to your scientific use case.

Preparation meeting

On Friday, 18.February 2022, we offer a preparation meeting where you can test your zoom installation and ask questions about the school or ask for help in case you run in problem with the preparations. The meeting will be in zoom an is open between 12:00 and 17:00 UTC. It is informal, so we don't expect you to join in sharp.


Meeting ID: 836 7831 9441