Practical information

Accessing ENS de Lyon

The workshop took place at ENS de Lyon, on the Monod Campus (46 allée d'Italie, 69007 Lyon). Here are maps and directions to reach the campus, with information about public transport from Lyon-Saint-Exupéry airport and from the two main railway stations in Lyon (most likely you will arrive at Lyon-Part-Dieu, which is roughly 30 mn from ENS by metro B, exit at Debourg).

If your plane lands at Lyon-Saint-Exupéry, there is a tramway called Rhônexpress that will take you to the city center. It stops running at midnight. After that time taxis should be still available, though more expensive.

If you are considering flying and cannot find a flight that ends at Lyon-Saint-Exupéry airport, it might be convenient to fly to Paris-Charles de Gaulle (also known as "Roissy", CDG, etc) then take a direct train (TGV) from the airport train station to Lyon. Some airlines sell combined plane+train tickets, which provide insurance against delays, etc. Trains from CDG go either to Lyon Part-Dieu train station (better) or to the train station at Lyon-Saint-Exupéry airport (less convenient but still OK). The IATA code for the Lyon Part-Dieu train station is "XYD" and can be entered in flight search engines such as Google Flights. Lyon is geographically close to Switzerland and particularly Geneva : flying there might be an option, provided that one finds appropriate ground transportation towards Lyon.

Auditorium and other rooms

Once you are at the main entrance of the Monod Campus, take the lifts to the 4th floor. The talks will take place in "amphi A" and the breaks will be served in "salle passerelle" on the same floor. Lunches will be taken at the canteen of Monod Campus.

Amphi A is equipped with a large blackboard and a videoprojector, see the photos below. We plan to have a dedicated computer connected to the videoprojector, to avoid connection issues.

Photo tableau amphi A

Photo tableau/écran amphi A