In the framework of the working group "Prospects for strong interaction observables" of the GDR QCD, we initiate a series of workshops dedicated to specific probes used in hadronic physics in various contexts. These "transverse" workshops should cover a broad range of activities of the QCD GDR and will be oriented towards recent and future experimental and theoretical developments.
For the first workshop, we picked the dilepton probe and would like to discuss various topics that can be addressed with dileptons at different energies, such as
- In-medium properties of vector mesons
- Pre-equilibrium and thermalization
- Light-by-light production
- Hadronic structure : Drell-Yan, Time-Like Compton scattering, baryon Dalitz decays....:
This workshop on "prospects on various aspects of the dilepton probe in hadronic physics" will take place on November 25 at IJCLab in Orsay, in the auditorium Joliot-Curie, building 100.
The access to the auditorium is limited to registered participants, but the meeting will be accessible via zoom. The link to the zoom meeting will be given upon request.