December 10, 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

To mark its 50th anniversary, the Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules (1) is pleased to invite you attend the international Symposium celebrating 50 years of physics from Particles to the Universe.

The symposium will take place at MUSEUM NATIONAL D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE 2:00-6:30 p.m. : Amphithéâtre Verniquet, 57 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris

Registrations are now closed

Remote participation will be possible, connecting to the following link :

Confirmed speakers include : Hitoshi Murayama (Tokyo & Berkeley), Andreas Hoecker (CERN), Johanna Stachel (Heidelberg), Ani Aprahamian (Notre Dame), Takaaki Kajita (Tokyo), Roger Blandford (Stanford & Oxford), Steve Kahn (Stanford)

(1) It was in 1971 that the French university laboratories and CNRS federated under the single banner of IN2P3 in order to perpetuate French expertise in these disciplines and to participate in major international research projects. The following five decades have shown the relevance of this vision, making IN2P3 a major player in discoveries as resounding as that of the Higgs boson, neutrino oscillations or gravitational waves, to name only the most recent.

For more information about IN2P3 50th anniversary, please visit

Amphithéatre Verniquet
Jardin des Plantes du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 57 Rue Cuvier 75005 Paris