surendra Chand
Brachytherapy is the treatment of malignant lesion using radioactive isotopes near or inside the tumor. Brachytherapy is useful to deliver high radiation dose to the tumor and minimum possible to normal surrounding organs/tissue. The intention of this study was to do quality assurance of the cases that have undergone for the treatment in dept of radiation oncology, B.P.Koirala memorial cancer Hospital (BPKMCH) since last five year. The most practiced cases in our center are carcinoma of cervix and oesophagus in HDR Brachytherapy. Only Intracavitary brachytherapy (ICBT) cases were taken for this study. In total number 1341 patients has received ICBT from 2005 to 2009; out of them 1296 patients completed the treatments. Total 3941 applications were held during this period of study.
Key words— High Dose Rate Brachytherapy, ICRU-38 report, Remote after loading.
Auteur principal
surendra Chand