Hajime Hayakawa
BepiColombo has been defined as the ESA-JAXA joint mission to Mercury with the aim to understand the process of planetary formation and evolution in the hottest part of the proto-planetary nebula as well as to understand similarities and differences between the magnetospheres of the Mercury and the Earth. The baseline mission consists of two spacecraft: the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) and the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). The two orbiters will be launched together as a part of Mercury Cruise composite (MCS) on one Ariane5 in 2014. JAXA is responsible for development and operation of MMO. The main objectives of MMO are to study Mercury's magnetic field and plasma environment around Mercury. MCS is consists from MMO, MPO and Mercury Transfer Module (MTM). MCS will arrive at Mercury in 2020. Two orbiters will make observation around Mercury about 2 Earth Years (1 year nominal + 1 year extended).
Auteur principal
Hajime Hayakawa
BepiColombo Project Team
Hironori Maejima