11–15 avr. 2022
Sorbonne U - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Slides and video recording already available for most talks, see under "Contribution List"

D-branes on local P2 revisited

Non programmé
Amphi Charpak (Sorbonne U - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie)

Amphi Charpak

Sorbonne U - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie

4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris


Pierrick Bousseau (CNRS and ETH)


I will describe a one-parameter family of scattering diagrams computing Donaldson-Thomas invariants of local P2 at any point of the physical slice in the space of Bridgeland stability conditions. The scattering diagrams are made of attractor flow trees and are also projections of special Lagrangian submanifolds in the universal family of mirror curves. I will also present a connection with the scattering diagram describing Donaldson-Thomas invariants of the McKay quiver associated to local P2. This is joint work with Pierre Descombes, Bruno Le Floch and Boris Pioline.

Documents de présentation