Technical Coordination Meeting


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Topic: ESCAPE Technical Coordination

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    • 10:00 10:05
      Introduction 5m
      Orateur: Ian Bird (LAPP)
      • EOSC-Future kick off - lots of material of interest - not sure all is online yet
        • Any feedback?
      • EOSC Symposium last week, several ESCAPE -related talks
        • Lots of interest in EOSC-Future and the science clusters - seen as important drivers
        • Common theme was to de-emphasise the "portal" as a grand entry point for everything
        • Material is all online
      • Clusters workshop
        • My impression: the community agree that the science drivers via the clusters are a positive sign
          • Less clear that the EC agree 
        • The clusters agree a long-term need for the cluster structures, and a loose coordination between them.
        • There is potentially funding for cluster-actions on Horizon Europe

      Any feedback from others who attended?

    • 10:05 10:35
      EOSC-Future High Level Milestones 30m

      Overview of key milestones: we need to understand how the ESCAPE work programme will address the milestones in EOSC-Future.

      Orateur: Ian Bird (LAPP)
    • 10:35 11:00
      Round Table 25m
      • WP2 2m
        Orateur: Xavier Espinal (CERN)
        • Data Lake Note/Video+Webinar with the goal to expose the ESCAPE Data Lake in a simple way, goal is to demystify complexity and have a reference where to point to (draft started)
        • WP2 main focus in the next month is DAC21 preparations. A special summer is next door. The three activity groups setting direction and paving the way  to start representative testing in Sep/Oct/Nov. 
        • FENIX project: technical meeting last Monday to Address AAI (IAM as IdP) and FTS3 integration (swift), Rizart, Andrea and Ian (Thanks!). Main objective is to set the framework to start in a simple manner with one of the HPCs to pilot the integration of IAM as IdP in the FENIX/AAI system and enable the capability to transfer some files in the “Archive” storage space with FTS/Swift. 


      • WP3 2m
        Orateur: Kay Graf (ECAP - University of Erlangen)
        • two-week ESCAPE School just completed end last week
          • 1000 registrants
          • full session playlist on youtube - 100 to 2.8K views per video
          • everything available at the course portal
          • still 170 people registered so far for certificate
        • continuation of the Onboarding Procedure definition
          • have defined shared onboarding procedure points with DMA
          • dedicated issues and guidelines in the OSSR project page & project platform
          • "project gallery" for onboarding to add to pages under construction - could be used as basis for ESCAPE-wide project gallery pages.
      • WP4 2m
        Orateur: Mark Allen (CDS/CNRS)

        WP3/4 discussions -> work towards putting VO software into OSSR.

        A lot of interest in HiPS in Data Lake -> (difficulty to gather people in early June) Doodle for 5-9 July to be launched.

        European Astronomical Society meeting (next week, 28 June -02 July) - ESCAPE Radio-astronomy/VO talk, plus also another session (Legacy and stewardship of astronomical archives towards multi-instrument, multi-wavelength and multi-messenger science- SS14) with ESCAPE related talk.




      • WP5 2m
        Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
        • ESAP vision document continues to progress; feedback welcome
        • Technical progress based on this vision:
          • Recent focus has been on the interface between ESAP and IDA facilities. Good model for this now developing.
          • “Shopping basket” prototype demonstrated and looking promising!
          • Need to start focusing on batch compute use cases as well; story there currently significantly weaker.
        • WP5 workshop in July.
          • Aiming for the 19th; detailed schedule will be forthcoming.
          • This is required to satisfy project milestone MS31 “Second WP5 workshop to evaluate prototype performance”. This milestone was slipped from February due to Zheng being unavailable.
          • Material will include a discussion of the ESAP vision, demo of current capabilities, discussion of future plans. 
        • Question/suggestion about the issue tracker.
          • Following Jutta's nice introduction to this tool a month or two back, my impression is some projects and people have started using it actively, and others... haven't. This runs the risk of mismatched expectations and misunderstandings.
          • If this tool is a key part of our workflow (and I think it would be useful if it were), we need a common understanding of expectations and workflow. Not just “here are the things the tool can do”, but “here is the way everybody is expected to use the tool; here is how we will be using it to track work in progress and results; here is how we will manage and refine this process”.
      • WP6 2m
        Orateur: Prof. Stephen Serjeant (The Open University)
      • CTA 2m
        Orateur: Dr Matthias Fuessling (CTAO gGmbH)

        No significant new news, continued work reported at last TCB.

      • EGO 2m
        Orateur: Antonella Bozzi
      • ESO 2m
        Orateur: Dr Martino Romaniello (ESO)
      • EST 2m
        Orateur: Nazaret Bello Gonzalez
      • FAIR 2m
        Orateur: Mohammad Al-Turany (CERN)
      • HL-LHC 2m
        Orateurs: Daniele Spiga (infn), Daniele Spiga (INFN-Perugia)
      • Jive 2m
        Orateur: harro verkouter (Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC)
      • KM3Net 2m
        Orateurs: Jutta Schnabel (FAU Erlangen (ECAP)), Dr Kay Graf (ECAP - University of Erlangen)
        • Starting to get involved in WP2 Activity One
          • defining need for Rucio usage within KM3NeT
          • processing first data for lake
        • Use cases on project platform KM3NeT project
      • SKA 2m
        Orateur: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation)
    • 10:59 11:00
      AOB 1m
      • Next meeting ?

      • Items for future agendas