WP2 fortnightly meeting

Xavier Espinal (CERN)
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      Orateurs: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Xavier Espinal (CERN)
      • Meeting between FENIX, EOSC-Future Technical Coordination Board and ESCAPE to identify collaboration opportunities between HPC centers, ESFRIs, ESCAPE and EOSC. Mini-workshop ESCAPE/FENIX the 1st of June. (Ian and Xavi representing ESCAPE)


      • RUCIO/experiments mini-workshop yesterday the 4th of May.Goal was to identify current and future data management needs. Well attended (~40 people), presentation-free and discussion oriented [meeting notes]


      • ESCAPE EB 27th May, should confirm the delay for deliverables MS11 (external resources) from 07/21 to 12/21 and MS12 (ISO16363 certification) from 09/21 to 06/22


      • Opportunities to exercise defined workflows in view of the EOSC-Future Science Projects. EOSC-ACE and FENIX about to offer resources and will be soon looking for demonstrators and PoCs. 


      • Some topics for next meeting(s), please get in touch for more suggestions
        • (today) Activities, timelines and milestones towards DAC21 from WP2 Task Leads
        • (today) Commercial clouds, ephemeral resources, integration work ongoing: AWS and Google (FG)
        • Discussion on remote data injection mechanisms (non-deterministic RSEs, simple-injectors, "unidirectional" DataRecording-RSEs)
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      DIOS Second Phase/DAC21: roadmap and task forces
      Orateurs: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Xavier Espinal (CERN)
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      Progress report on commercial clouds-datalake integration
      Orateur: frederic gillardo
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      Depops hot topics
      Orateur: Depops weekly chair
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