Kick-off meeting IRN ASTRANUCAP


First co-joint meeting between the French and Spanish partners of the IRN ASTRANUCAP (Astrophysics, STructure, Reactions, and Analysis with NUClear beams and APplications)

The main goal of this IRN is to coordinate the activity of the French and Spanish groups working jointly in three of the major subfields defined by NuPECC:

  • Nuclear Structure and Dynamics
  • Nuclear Astrophysics
  • Nuclear Physics Tools and Applications.
    • Connexion and Welcome
      • 1
        Welcome and Presentation of the CNRS IRN Collaboration Tools
        Orateur: Dr Teresa KURTUKIAN NIETO (CNRS UMR5797 CENBG)
      • 2
        Questions /remarks
    • Open Session: Reporting for Financial Demands
      Président de session: Teresa KURTUKIAN NIETO ({CNRS}UMR5797)
      • 3
        Orateur: Nicolas DE SEREVILLE (IJCLAB)
      • 4
        Orateur: Frédéric NOWACKI (IPHC)
      • 5
        Orateur: Teresa KURTUKIAN NIETO (CENBG)
      • 6
        Questions /remarks
    • Open Session. Current Projects
      Président de session: Beatriz FERNANDEZ DOMINGUEZ (IGFAE USC)
      • 7
        Total Absorption Measurements in the Framework of the Nantes-Valencia Collaboration
        Orateur: Alejandro ALGORA (CSIC IFIC)
      • 8
        Theory projets: IPHC-UAM
        Orateur: Frédéric NOWACKI (IPHC)
      • 9
        A bottom-up plasma process to fabricate “solid-gas” nanocomposite films
        Orateur: Asunción FERNÁNDEZ-CAMACHO (CSIC ICMS / University of Sevilla)
      • 10
        Nuclear structure and fission studies between IGFAE/USC and IN2P3
        Orateur: Beatriz Fernandez Dominguez (IGFAZ/USC)
      • 11
        Discussion / Questions
    • Open Session. Closing remarks

      Fanny Farget. French IN2P3 Deputy Scientific Director for Nuclear Physics and Applications
      Maria José Garcia Borge, Spanish Ministery of Reserch Coordinator for Particle and Nuclear Physics
      Fabrice Piquemal. CENBG Director

    • Scientific Council Closed session