February 18, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

Each year, the International Association for Physics Students (IAPS) organizes the PLANCKS competition:  Physics League Across Numerous Countries for Kickass Students (PLANCKS) ! This is a theoretical exam where students compete in teams of 3 or 4. This year, Milan (Italy) will host the international competition from the 12th to the 16th of May 2023. 

This academic year 2022/2023, the Youth Network of the french society of Physics (SFP) organizes the french preliminaries of PLANCKS2023 on  Saturday February the 18th 2023, to select the team of student that will represent France at the international competition. The preliminaries will be in Paris at Paris-Cité University (called before Paris Diderot), in person. This is the perfect opportunity to discover new and hot topics of Physics, presented by accomplished researchers during the conferences.

All students from Licence to Master enrolled in a french University are welcomed (and encouraged) to participate. PLANCKS is a competition all about team work, you can form teams of 3 or 4 with your collegues and compete in the preliminaries with your fellow students. If you don't have a team, don't worry about it : we will team you up with some other students, it is such a great opportunity to meet students from all around France ! 

Problems as well as answers shall be written in English. Do not worry! It is surely accessible for students of your level. You can find some samples of previous year's problems right here

First step is to register. If you already have a team, please indicate it on the registration form but note that you have to register individually


Registration fee: 10€/per person

Batiment Condorcet
Université Paris Cité
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