This is the last general ASEPS preparation meeting. It is hosted by the European Commission research.
Venue: Room 3 of the Berlaymont Building 200 rue de la loi see map
You may attend in person the meeting (see here for Hotel reservation) or through EVO teleconferencing (see here).
Venue: Room 3 of the Berlaymont Building 200 rue de la loi see map
You may attend in person the meeting (see here for Hotel reservation) or through EVO teleconferencing (see here).
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Hotel Information |
Poster |
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Videoconference connection guidelines |
"Salle 3" in the Berlaymont Building (this is the headquarter of the European Commission). It is located at the street address "200, Rue de la Loi, 1000 Bruxelles", at the corner of "Rond Point Schuman". There is a Metro station "Schuman", there is a train station "Schuman", and there is an express bus from the airport that goes to "Schuman".