The Saclay site is one of the 4 production sites for the New Small Wheels, a new Micromegas detector system intended to be installed end ’21 in the Atlas experiment at CERN. The detector modules are made of a sandwich assembly of 5 composite panels. These panels are built on instrumented granite tables in a dedicated clean room, and are scanned in place for planarity with a mobile gantry carrying an optical contactless sensor, at various stages of fabrication and for the final quality control.
With the aim to improve the process and make it more reliable, an exploratory automatic recognition system was developed, installed and tested in 2020. This system relies on the analysis of a series of image patches of the element to measure, after independent submission to a common neural network for classification. The classification scores obtained for each image patch are then fused together to automatically define the suitable machine settings corresponding to the observed configuration.
The presentation first covers the architectural decisions for the multiple categories classification problem, the image collection and data augmentation campaigns, the transfer learning training strategy and the analysis of fusion results. Then it describes the integration of the trained network for inference in the actual control program of the machine, and finally gives a summary of the obtained results.