30 novembre 2021 à 2 décembre 2021
LAPP Annecy (hybrid)
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Dear Colleagues,

the third FCC-France / Higgs & ElectroWeak Factory workshop will take place at LAPP-Annecy in an Hybrid mode, although we hope that all speakers and many participants from France and abroad will be on-site to strengthen the collaboration.

The Workshop  will take place from Tuesday November 30, 2021 13:30 toThursday December 2, 15:30.

Registration for on-site participation will close on November 23rd. Practical information can be found in the registration section and in the practical information section. There is no registration fee, so please join us in Annecy. 

The detailed agenda is on-line

The workshop aims at intensifying French participation to the FCC feasibility study through concrete studies on physics and the constraints that this physics entails on detectors, in particular the physics of FCC-ee, but also FCC-hh. Detector R&D, and Progress  on Theory and on Accelerator for FCC will  be presented. Synergies with developments for the ILC will also be discussed in details.


The FCC collaboration (Future Circular Collider) has released in 2019 a CDR, proposing a research programme starting with an ee circular collider at very high luminosity and precision "Z,W, H and top factory", followed by a hadron collider @ 100 TeV. An ep collider is also envisaged.

-- links to the CDR and to the contributions to the European strategy:

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LAPP Annecy (hybrid)
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