2nd LSM-EXTENSION WORKSHOP OCTOBER 16 2009 - Modane, France

Valfréjus (Modane)

Valfréjus (Modane)

Maison du Thabor (at the entrance of the village, on the left)
The aim of the workshop is to gather experiments potentially interested in the new international facility. This meeting will be the opportunity to evaluate the infrastructure demands of the future experiments. The scientific program will include topics in astroparticle and nuclear physics and other related fields in underground science (sedimentology, geology, biology, electronics, low radioactivity measurements, ...). Registration is free of charge. Travel arrangements and accommodation is to be arranged by the participants. A visit to the laboratory will be organized after the workshop sessions.
  • Charlotte RICCIO
  • Christian Spiering
  • Daniel Santos
  • Daniya Zinatulina
  • Egor Shevchek
  • elena APRILE
  • Fabien ARNAUD
  • Fadahat Mamedov
  • Gabriel CHARDIN
  • Guillaume WAROT
  • Hans Kraus
  • ioannis giomataris
  • Ivan Stekl
  • Jacob Lamblin
  • Jean-Eric CAMPAGNE
  • Jean-Luc AUTRAN
  • Laura Baudis
  • Mark Shirchenko
  • Mathieu BONGRAND
  • Mathieu CORAZZI
  • Michel ZAMPAOLO
  • Pavel Cermak
  • Pavel Povinec
  • Rodolfo gurriaran
  • Ruben Saakyan
  • Serge JULLIAN
  • Viacheslav Egorov
  • Xavier-Francois NAVICK
  • Yuri Shitov
    • 08:45 09:00
      Registation and welcome 15m
    • 09:00 09:30
      Extension Project of the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane - F. Piquemal (Lab. Sout. de Modane) 30m
      Orateur: M. Fabrice PIQUEMAL (Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane)
    • 09:30 09:50
      Technical pre-study of the LSM Extension - M. Zampaolo (Lab. Sout. de Modane) 20m
    • 09:50 10:20
      European and global coordination of Astroparticle Physic Infrastructures - S. Katsanevas (CNRS) 30m
      Orateur: Prof. Stavros KATSANEVAS (CNRS/IN2P3)
    • 10:20 10:35
      coffee break 15m
    • 10:35 10:55
      NEMO 3 results X. Sarrazin - (LAL, Orsay) 20m
      Orateur: M. Xavier SARAZIN (LAL IN2P3 CNRS)
    • 10:55 11:20
      SuperNemo project at LSM - R. Saakyan (UCL, London) 25m
      Orateur: M. Ruben SAAKYAN (University College London)
    • 11:20 11:40
      Recent results and prospects for Edelweiss - G. Gerbier (IRFU/CEA Saclay) 20m
    • 11:40 12:05
      EURECA: the European cryogenic dark matter search - H. Kraus (Univ. Oxford) 25m
    • 12:05 12:30
      The COBRA double beta decay experiment - O. Schulz (Tech. Univ. Dortmund) 25m
      Orateur: Dr Oliver SCHULZ (Technische Universität Dortmund)
    • 12:30 13:30
      lunch 1h
    • 13:30 14:00
      XENON dark matter experiment - E. Aprile (Univ. Columbia) 30m
    • 14:00 14:20
      MIMAC CYGNUS Directional dark matter detection - D. Santos (LPSC Grenoble) 20m
      Orateur: M. Daniel SANTOS (LPSC Grenoble)
    • 14:20 14:40
      Underground studies and R&D towards Megatonne detectors at Modane - M. Marafini (APC, Paris) 20m
    • 15:00 15:20
      Research Program of CTU in Prague at LSM - I. Stekl (CTU, Prague) 20m
      Orateur: M. Ivan STEKL (CTU Prague)
    • 15:20 15:40
      Research Program of JINR at LSM - S. Egorov (JINR, Dubna) 20m
    • 15:40 15:55
      coffee break 15m
    • 15:55 16:15
      Proposal for neutrinoless double electron capture experiment at Modane - P. Povinec (Comenius Univ. of Bratislava) 20m
    • 16:15 16:35
      Altitude and underground real-time SER characterization of SRAM memories - J.-L. Autran 20m
    • 16:35 16:55
      IRSN Environmental low-radioactivity measurements - R. Gurriaran (IRSN) 20m
    • 16:55 17:15
      Studies on lakes in Savoie: an application of low background spectrometry - F. Arnaud (EDYTEM, Chambery) 20m
    • 17:15 17:35
      Background radiations at LSM - V. Kudryavtsev (Univ. Sheffield) 20m
    • 17:35 17:55
      Ultra-low background germanium spectrometry - P. Loaiza (Lab. Sout. de Modane) 20m
    • 17:55 18:05
      Concluding Remarks 10m
    • 18:05 18:20
      End of workshop 15m