Time and band-resolved scintillation in time projection chambers based on gaseous xenon

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Main auditorium

Physics Department Faculty of Science and Technology University of Coimbra Rua Larga, 3004-516 COIMBRA


Diego González-Díaz


Scintillation in modern xenon detectors makes use, almost exclusively, of the xenon second continuum, but there is nowadays abundant evidence of other subdominant contributions like the third continuum or neutral bremsstrahlung, whose characteristic features are dominant in some conditions, and that might be technologically usable. We report time and band-resolved measurements of the primary and secondary scintillation in xenon obtained (simultaneously) with a mini-TPC, over a range of pressures 1-10bar, electric fields (0-100V/cm/bar in the drift region and up to the onset of multiplication in the electroluminescence region) and particle types (alphas, betas). Geant4 simulations allow us to obtain absolutely normalized yields of these phenomena in the conditions described.

Auteurs principaux

David González Caamaño David José Fernández Posada Pablo Amedo Sara Leardini Diego González-Díaz Roberto Santorelli Ángela Saa-Hernández Édgar Sánchez

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