The XEMIS project (XEnon for Medical Imaging System) aims to use the single phase liquid xenon technology and (β+,γ) radioactive emitters to make functional medical images. Compare to conventional imaging system, a hundred fold reduction of injected activity with the same image resolution is expected.
This project is divided into three main stages. Stage one, XEMIS1, demonstrated the ability of the liquid xenon to be used as a detection medium through a first prototype. Angular resolution of 4 degrees has been reached that allowed to go to the next stage. Second stage, XEMIS2 under progress, must validate the capability of the the camera to image small animals. For this purpose, a new prototype has been designed and is now under construction at the University Hospital of Nantes. An adapted geometry has been defined to enable images of mice or specific phantom. Third stage, XEMIS3, is foreseen to image human whole body.
During the talk, the principle of the XEMIS project will be introduced. Then a focus on the XEMIS2 detector to present the design and the construction progress will be discussed in details. First, the mechanical design, drove by the constraints related to the xenon in liquid state and to the technology choices, will be presented. Then, the charge and the light DAQ system will be discussed through the data flux from the front end preamplifier dedicated chip to standard storage disc. And finally, first data analysis for detector calibration and monitoring will be shown.