Neutrinoless double-beta decay search results from KamLAND-Zen with 1 ton-year ^{136}Xe exposure

Non programmé
Main auditorium

Main auditorium

Physics Department Faculty of Science and Technology University of Coimbra Rua Larga, 3004-516 COIMBRA


Hideyoshi Ozaki (Tohoku university)


KamLAND-Zen is a neutrinoless double-beta decay search experiment using a large size liquid scintillator(LS) detector (KamLAND). We started KamLAND-Zen 800 phase with 745 kg of Xenon in 2019.
We achieved to conduct an extremely low radioactive background experiment by reducing the radioactive impurities in the newly fabricated 25-um-thick and 3.8-m-diameter nylon film container for the Xe-loaded LS and developing strong spallation background rejection techniques.
The dominant background after all the analytic background rejection is the Xe-spallation product by a cosmic-ray muon, even though our experiment is taken place 1000-m-underground.
In the presentation, the new result of KamLAND-Zen 800 with 1 ton-year ^{136}Xe exposure will be presented with the estimation and the measurement of the long-lived Xe-spallation product.

Auteur principal

Hideyoshi Ozaki (Tohoku university)

Documents de présentation

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