Amandine Marc, Global Rare Gases Business Developer Air Liquide WBU Global Market and technologies - AL Maritime SAS - 508 Av. Henri Poincaré, 77550 Moissy-Cramayel,
Luc Gaffet Big Science market director WBU Global Market and technologies - Deep Tech Departement, 2 rue Clémencière 38360 Sassenage -France
The recent geopolitical crisis has underlined the weakness of the supply chain for several essential products but also for rare gasses.
This talk, presented by Amandine Marc and Luc Gaffet from Air Liquide company will focus on the noble gas challenges and business. After a brief introduction on Air Liquide group and rare gas activity, Amandine and Luc will give you some keys to understand the xenon market, and by comparison to other activities, the relatively weak position of the big science market in this game.
Then, we will explain our challenge with Argon for Big science, focusing, among others, on the CERN Neutrino platform, or the forthcoming supply challenge for the DUNE project in South Dakota.
At the end we will present our recent development in the He3 activity which was mandatory for the group and a key element to develop a global strategy to address the emerging quantum computing market. This example could be inspiring to solve potential supply chain issues facing research activity. Then, Amandine and Luc will open a debate to better understand what are the challenges you face when it comes to sourcing rare gases and, see how we could, together, imagine potential solutions to define a sustainable supply chain for noble gas.