Shapes of heavy and super-heavy atomic nuclei with Skyrme Energy Density Functionals

Non programmé


Philippe Da costa


The mean-field, or Energy Density Functional (EDF), methods allow for the study of energies and
shapes of all nuclei, but the lightest ones, throughout the mass-table. These approach and their
extensions such as the Random Phase Approximation (RPA) and Generator Coordinate Method (GCM)
give access to observables from ground state, excited states and large-amplitude collective motion of the
nuclei. Furthermore, the mean-field gives a natural interpretation of the nuclear configurations through
the shapes of the system in its intrinsic frame.
It is well established that a correct description of the ground states of deformed heavy nuclei, rotational
bands, isomeric states energies and fission barriers is strongly correlated with the value of the surface
energy coefficient a surf and also the surface symmetry energy coefficient a ssym.
A first step in the direction of a better description of shapes of heavy nuclei was recently achieved
with the construction of the SLy5sX series of Skyrme-EDFs and more specifically with the SLy5s1
parameterisation. The systematically improved agreement for deformation properties of heavy nuclei
achieved with SLy5s1 compared to widely-used parameterisations such as SLy5, however, comes
at the expense of a significant increase of mass residuals.
In this presentation, I will show that a slight modification of the fit protocol together with the
inclusion of the often-neglected two-body contribution to the center-of-mass correction in functional
greatly improve the results for shapes, barriers heights and binding energies. I will present the details
of the fit protocol and show a set of selected results. It turns out that completely omitting the center-
of-mass correction as sometimes done for parameterisations aiming at nuclear dynamics is similarly
problematic as using the standard recipe where only the one-body part is kept. I will also discuss how
the statistical error bars on the parameters of the functional propagate on calculated quantities such as
fission barriers.

Auteurs principaux

Philippe Da costa Dr Michael Bender (IPN Lyon) Karim Bennaceur (Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon) Prof. Jacques MEYER (Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon)

Documents de présentation

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